Contributor role only (you can get it on request, just reach out to us)

Updating the SubTopics Structure

  1. Go to the top level topic’s page from which you want to update the subtopics structure

  2. Click Manage under the title

  3. Click on the SubTopics Tree panel

    Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 20.44.17.png

  4. From there you can now drag and drop topic nodes, in order to achieve the desired structure

  5. Optional: Virtual links/part of relationships. This is useful if a topic should be indexed as a subtopic of other topics. The subtopic will still keep its main categorisation, but will also be part of another topic.

    1. Clicking the icon below will create a “virtual link”, allowing to add a topic as the subtopic of another topic. This is the “PART_OF” relationship. Check the documentation for more informations.

      Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 17.58.37.png

    2. When a node is a subtopic of a topic through a virtual link, you’ll see this icon:

      Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 18.05.05.png

  6. Save

Updating a topic’s prerequisites

  1. On any Topic Page, click Manage under the title

  2. Towards the bottom of the page, you should see the Prerequisite relationship editor:

    1. Either

      Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 17.50.54.png

    2. Or

      Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 17.51.04.png

      if some prerequisites already exist

  3. Click edit then either remove or add new one by searching existing topics

  4. Done!

Note: The progress map is generated based on these prerequisites, the level of each subtopic and their topic types. Checkout the documentation for more information
